American Spelling Book

American Spelling Book

دسته بندی:

قیمت: 11,000 تومان

تعداد نمایش: 491 نمایش

ارسال توسط:

تاریخ ارسال: 14 اسفند 1397

به روز رسانی در: 5 آبان 1401

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American Spelling Book


Note carefully that Webster considered long, multi-syllabic words of four syllables to be EASY and taught them early, but one syllable word with vowel digraphs and silent letters he considered DIFFICULT and taught them later. Students who begin with Webster will be reading long words at least three years earlier than those beginning with modern phonics programs. This will have a tremendous impact on student reading levels. Webster, also, teaches long vowels at the end of syllables (open syllables) near the beginning of his program, another feature largely neglected in most (if not all) modern phonics programs. The main accent is typed in bold font to make it easier for younger students to better visualize the accented syllable. This is a new feature added with the publication of this edition



مشخصات فایل:
American Spelling Book
تعداد صفحات:۱۵۲
زبان: فارسی