کتاب مدیریت پروژه A Project Cynthia Snyder Dionisio

کتاب مدیریت پروژه A Project Cynthia Snyder Dionisio

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قیمت: رایگان

تعداد نمایش: 478 نمایش

ارسال توسط:

تاریخ ارسال: 14 فروردین 1398

به روز رسانی در: 14 فروردین 1398

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دانلود کتاب مدیریت پروژه A Project Cynthia Snyder Dionisio نسخه انگلیسی


A Project Manager’s  Book of Forms  is designed to be a companion to A  Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ®  Guide) – Sixth Edition. The purpose is to present the information from the
PMBOK ®  Guide –  Sixth Edition in a set of forms so that project managers can readily apply the concepts and practices described in the  PMBOK ®  Guide  to their projects.  The  PMBOK ®  Guide  identifi es that subset of the project management body of knowledge generally recognized as good practice. It does not describe how to apply those practices, nor does it provide a vehicle for transferring that knowledge into practice.  This  Book of Forms  will assist project managers in applying information presented in the  PMBOK ® Guide  to project documentation. The  Book of Forms  does not teach project management concepts or describe how to apply project management techniques. Textbooks and classes can fulfi ll those needs. This book provides an easy way to apply good practices to projects.

The forms are organized by Process Group: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing. Within those Process Groups, the forms are arranged sequentially as presented in the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition. Agile forms are after the closing forms in their own section


مشخصات فایل:
عنوان:  کتاب مدیرت پروژه  A Project
نویسنده:   Cynthia Snyder Dionisio
تعداد صفحات:  ۲۶۵
زبان:  انگلیسی