کتاب حل مسائل ریاضیات استوارت ویرایش هفتم زبان اصلی

کتاب حل مسائل ریاضیات استوارت ویرایش هفتم زبان اصلی

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قیمت: 11,000 تومان

تعداد نمایش: 3073 نمایش

ارسال توسط:

تاریخ ارسال: 12 فروردین 1398

به روز رسانی در: 22 مهر 1402

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This Student Solutions Manual contains strategies for solving and solutions to selected exercises in the text Single Variable Calculus, Eighth Edition, by James Stewart. It contains solutions to the odd-numbered exercises in each section, the review sections, the True-False Quizzes, and the Problem Solving sections. This manual is a text supplement and should be read along with the text. You should read all exercise solutions in this manual because many concept explanations are given and then used in subsequent solutions. All concepts necessary to solve a particular problem are not reviewed  for every exercise. If you are having difficulty with a previously covered concept, refer back to the section where it was covered for more complete help. A significant number of today’s students are involved in various outside activities, and find it difficult, if not impossible, to attend all class sessions; this manual should help meet the needs of these students. In addition, it is our hope that this manual’s solutions will enhance the understanding of all readers of the material and provide insights to solving other exercises. We use some nonstandard notation in order to save space. If you see a symbol that you don’t recognize, refer to the Table of Abbreviations and Symbols on page v. We appreciate feedback concerning errors, solution correctness or style, and manual style. Any comments may be sent directly to jeff-cole@comcast.net, or in care of the publisher: Cengage Learning, 20 Channel Center Street, Boston MA 02210. We would like to thank Kira Abdallah, Kristina Elliott, Stephanie Kuhns, and Kathi Townes, of TECHarts, for their production services; and Samantha Lugtu, of Cengage Learning, for her patience and support. All of these people have provided invaluable help in creating this manual.



مشخصات فایل:
عنوان:     کتاب حل مسائل ریاضیات استوارت
نویسنده:  استوارت
تعداد صفحات:   ۶۳۲
زبان:  انگلیسی