کتاب تکنولوژی و کاربردهای غشای بیکر Baker نسخه انگلیسی

کتاب تکنولوژی و کاربردهای غشای بیکر Baker نسخه انگلیسی

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قیمت: رایگان

تعداد نمایش: 689 نمایش

ارسال توسط:

تاریخ ارسال: 19 مهر 1398

به روز رسانی در: 19 مهر 1398

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Richard W. Baker

The book starts with a series of general chapters on membrane preparation, transport theory, and concentration polarization. Thereafter, each major membrane application is treated in a single 20-to-40-page chapter. In a book of this size it is impossible to describe every membrane process in detail, but the major processes are covered. However, medical applications have been short-changed somewhat and some applications—fuel cell and battery separators and membrane sensors, for example—are not covered at all. Each application chapter starts with a short historical background to acknowledge the developers of the technology. I am conscious that my views of what was important in the past differ from those of many of my academic colleagues. In this book I have given more credit than is usual to the engineers who actually made the processes work

As a school boy I once received a mark of 1 2 out of a possible 20 in an end-of-term spelling test. My spelling is still weak, and the only punctuation I ever really mastered was the period. This made the preparation of a polished final draft from my yellow notepads a major undertaking. This effort was headed by Tessa Ennals and Cindi Wieselman. Cindi typed and retyped the manuscript with amazing speed, through its numerous revisions, without complaint. Tessa corrected my English, clarified my language, unsplit my infinitives and added every semicolon found in this book. She also chased down a source for all of the illustrations used and worked with David Lehmann, our graphics artist, to prepare the figures.



مشخصات فایل
عنوان: کتاب تکنولوژی و کاربردهای غشای
نویسنده :بیکر Baker
تعداد صفحات: ۵۴۵